What About Us

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Preachers of L.A trailer review pt 1

I was first introduced to the trailer of Preachers of L. A through a Christian Youtube channel called 11:59 news, and our opinions are based off the trailer alone.  When it first starts it gets your attention by showing the pastors preaching to their congregation, saving souls in the world, praying for those who need it, then a beat kicks in and expensive cars start popping up with an introduction of the pastors.  From there the beat changes again and pictures of expensive cars, homes, pastors getting tailored made suits, playing golf followed by these pastors quickly giving scriptures that they think helps justify their riches.  I thought the purpose of the show was to show the struggles of pastors and the gospel of Jesus Christ instead of the riches of these pastors. If this show was whole heartedly about the gospel, and struggles that pastors face, then their riches should have never been advertised nor spoken on unless they’re using their money for the gospel meaning they’re investing their money to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  At the end of the day it shouldn’t be about money, cars, or homes, but saving souls, and the challenges of being a man of God. This is called using the gift God gave you in an idolatrous manner, (in the words of Ellen G. White) “The means which he has lent them to sustain his cause and build up his kingdom are invested in houses and lands, lavished on pride and self-indulgence, and the Giver is forgotten.”

Another thing that disgusted myself and Irra is how Minister Deitrick Haddon made the excuse to a young man that “At the end of the day, he’s still a man”. That is a poor excuse for any human being to use.  I understand no one is perfect but to use that as your crutch/excuse is downright pathetic and disgusting to me. David was man that has made the same mistakes that Detrick Haddon made and instead of justifying his mistakes he owned up to them, and accepted the consequences that God had for him.  He was a king of all tribes, an example, and a leader as well.  Another thing I disliked about Detrick Haddon is how it seems from the trailer that he’s parading around a woman he had an affair with, not as a wife to him, but a baby mother/girlfriend.  In this situation its the principle of the matter, and that principle is she’s the woman he had an affair with, and to parade her around as if it’s all good because she’s now his “girlfriend” still doesn’t make it right.  As Christians we are to set the example, now I’ll let Irra get more in-depth with it

I'm sure you all have noticed that there aren't many Christian shows on television and if it is you can believe it's not to edify Christ. That's the last thing the world is trying to do so it doesn't surprise me that they have a show for "preachers". Furthermore, look who's network it's on ... Oprah's, a woman who openly denies Christ ... think on that a bit. I first viewed the trailer awhile ago while browsing the net and just the title alone put me off, not to say that there are no genuine preachers in L.A it's just that when the place is mentioned, especially in conjunction with reality t.v my mind automatically thinks, materialism, superficiality, vanity etc and I must say, the trailer is disappointing in that it doesn't disappoint. In other words, it was everything I expected it to be. I have a few issues with this show, just based off the trailer but my main issues are the prosperity message, the materialism and the misrepresentation of Christ and real preachers.

In the trailer the first images we see are a display of lavish houses, luxury cars, one 'preacher' driving in his fresh whip, comparing himself to Jay-z while another is misquoting scripture" stating "God said to be prosperous and I believe wholeheartedly in that" as we can clearly see. You see, "The bible condemns no man for being rich, if he has acquired his riches honestly. Not money but the love of money, is the root of all evil. It is God who gives men the power to get wealth; and in the hands of him who acts as God's steward, using his means unselfishly, wealth is a blessing, both to it's possessor and to the world. But many, absorbed in their interest of worldly treasures, become insensible to the claims of God and the needs of their fellow men. They regard their wealth as a means of glorifying themselves. They add house to house, and land to land; they fill their homes with luxuries, while all about them are human beings in misery and crime, in disease and death. Those who thus give their lives to self-serving are developing in themselves, not the attributes of God, but the attributes of the wicked one" E.G.W "The Ministry of Healing"

My issue with the prosperity message, can't even really call it gospel, is that it is non-biblical and it takes the focus off God and directs it toward earthly things. Jesus said in Matt 6:19-21 "lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt ... but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven ... for where your treasure is there will your heart be also". And I'm pretty sure we all know the tale of the rich man who couldn't part with his wealth in order to pursue a life with with Christ and then Jesus later said "easier is it for a camel to enter the eye of the needle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven". When I first read this I just thought Jesus was using a good metaphor but I later learned that the "eye of the needle" is an actual gateway in Jerusalem that was so small and narrow that the camel couldn't get through unless it first stopped and removed all it's baggage and then it could only get through on it's knees. I'll let that one marinate a bit. Furthermore, If the prosperity gospel is true then it would work in all situations but you take that same message over to some third-world countries where they live and eat amongst garbage, are under government suppression and tell me how far it gets. If blessings are equated with wealth and prosperity then do you mean to tell me that God doesn't love his children over in those impoverished countries? ... so either God isn't who/what he says he is or this message isn't true.

Because of time I didn't get to really hit on all the points I wanted or really sit down and edit but we'll be sure to touch on it in part 2. To be more specific we will touch on the "pimping" of the gospel, mega "preachers" vs real preachers, and the compromising/condoning lawlessness in the church ... stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Love is a principle, Not an emotion

A word from Shai & Irra:

L.O.V.E a four letter word so many people seem to misuse, and the only way a word can be misused is if a person doesn't know the meaning or misunderstood the meaning of that word. In today’s world the word LOVE is used too loosely, and constantly mistaken for lust and infatuation. So many people are falling in and out of “love” so easily and quickly that it’s becoming disgusting and out right sad. So Irra and I are here to give our opinion on what we feel True Love is instead of this false imitation people are quick to claim they have. I know this is going to go over many people’s heads but try to understand what is being said and broken down.


Love is a pretty tricky subject and it took me some time to really gather the desired response. You see, when I was younger I did't fully understand Love but as I got a bit older and somewhat wiser I had an inkling that love wasn't what the world made it out to be. The first time I read 1st Corinthians 13:1-13 I didn't recognize or understand these attributes as principles but I knew that was what love should look like. Reading God's definition of love helped me discern the faults in our carnal understanding of what love is or should be. Unlike what is advertised in the media, Love is not pain, it doesn't hurt (atleast it's not supposed to), it's not the tingly FEELING you get when you 1st set eyes on someone, Love is definitely not the closest thing to hate, in fact, they have no relation both are governed by two vastly different sets of principles, etc. All these worldly misconceptions are based solely on superficial, human emotions but it's deeper than that, muuuuuuch deeper.  Love is everything we are not which is why our expression of it is so imperfect and conditional. I would elaborate further but I feel Shai has hit the nail on the head, so I will pass the Mic to her but I will leave with this, one of my favorite quotes by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, "there is but one love but there are a thousand imitations". And God is that one love, we wouldn't know what Love looked like if weren't for him, we Love because he first loved us and he demonstrates this through Jesus who is to be our example.


LOVE is a principle not a feeling, words that were told to me by my parents years ago. Following that statement I read the words of Ellen G. White who said “True love is not merely a sentiment or an emotion. It is a living principle, a principle that is manifest in action. True love, wherever it exists, will control the life. Thus it is with the love of God. "God is love;" and in all His works, in all His dealings with mankind, His character is revealed.”Now let’s break down these words: Sentiment, Emotion, Living, Principle and Action.

Sentiment has 5 definitions:
1. an attitude toward something; regard; opinion.
2. a mental feeling; emotion: a sentimental (Notice opinion and mental, and emotion)

an effective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.
2. Any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.
3. Any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc., and usually accompanied by certain physiological changes. (Notice Physiological changes & the word hate)

1.having life; being alive; not dead: living persons.
2. In actual existence or use; extant: living languages.
3. Active or thriving; vigorous; strong: a living faith.
4. Burning or glowing, as a coal. 5) Flowing freely, as water. ( Notice Active)

1.an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
2. A fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern physics. ( Notice Truth)

1.the process or state of acting or of being active,
2. Something done or performed; act; deed. Actions, habitual or usual acts; conduct:

The word opinion is used in the definition of sentiment and opinion is defined as a belief or judgment that falls short of absolute conviction. Also they used the word mental which is defined as of or pertaining to the mind, mental has 5 definitions and the third one really stood out which is providing care for persons with disordered minds, emotions, etc.: a mental hospital. So if sentiment is all these things including an opinion, and a mental feeling which is a feeling in the mind how can that be love? It isn't.

Emotions have been described as sorrow, joy, fear, hate, and love. Now if love was an emotion that means God who is love experiences these emotions toward us. In the bible it clearly states that God is a loving, merciful, caring and forgiving God, so how can love be an emotion that has anything to do with sorrow, fear, and hate, a.k.a Physiological changes. God doesn't love us today and hate us tomorrow; God’s love is unconditional no matter what we do. Love isn't an emotion.

Living is described as active, alive never dead. Which means it’s never dead.

As you read above the definition of principle utilizes the words, fundamental, primary, law and truth: In the Bible it reads God is the way, the truth and the light.God is love and through God’s love we see the truth of what true love consists of. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and the principle of God’s love is that he loves us unconditionally meaning no matter what we have done God doesn't stop loving us. God’s love for us never dies nor changes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"There is a difference between a God-fearing man and a man that believes in God"


So the other day me and Shai were having a casual conversation when she mentioned that one of her favorite male artists made a song that pretty much degrades women, referring to them as B*s and what not. She expressed how disappointed in him she was and how while making a song of that nature he emphasizes the fact that he's a "God-fearing" man -__- .... rigggghhht. Anywho, she followed up with the statement "there is a difference between a God-fearing man and a man that believes in God" *raises both hands and shouts Amen* I liked that so much I had to tweet it hehe :). Allow me to break that statement down a bit, just because a person believes in the God of the bible does not qualify them as God-fearing; It's not as person's so-called beliefs that characterizes them but their actions and their lifestyle. I can believe that Jesus died for my sins, the Ten Commandments and everything else the Christain faith/bible intels but if I don't live or atleast try to live my life in accordance with God's word then that's all I am, a believer. Now I'm not saying we all have to be perfect because it IS a struggle but at the same time certain standards are associated with the term God-fearing.

Just to get a better understanding I looked up a few words and their synonyms/antonyms starting with fear. Aside from the common definition that's tied to the negative emotion I came across this definition
     fear: reverential awe especially towards God
Then I decided to find the definition of reverential (reverent, reverence)
    reverence: 1. a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration
                      2. The outward manifestation of this feeling
                           syn: Devotion, Honor, LOVE, RESPECT
                           ant: disregard, disrespect, disdain, scorn
And lastly awe
   awe: An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear etc produced by that which   is grand, sublime, extremely powerful or the like.
            syn: Regard, Esteem, Worship, RESPECT (there goes that respect again)
            ant: indifference
Take the the word "fear" in the phrase God-fearing and replace it with loving, respecting, honoring and I believe it paints a clearer picture. When you establish a close, non superficial relationship with God there are just some things you won't do out of love, respect and obedience. Now, I won't sit here and list all the things a God fearing man would/should and would not/should not do (I'd be sitting here forever) but I'm sure we all can tell the difference between the two, one honors God with their lifestyle, the other honors him with idle words.

I have much more to say on this issue but I'll just leave it as is ... Ciaou!


I can't recall the conversation that Irra and I had that lead to this topic due to the fact that when we talk, our conversation jump from one topic to another within minutes.  I do remember bringing up one of my favorite artist whom I had a ridiculous crush on for years only because I was so disappointed in him for the new song he released in which he referred to women as B*s.  Even though that's nothing new in the music industry I was more disappointed in the fact that he referred to himself  as a God fearing man, that's what rubbed me the wrong way. In my conversation with Irra I then stated that "there's a difference between a God fearing man and a man that believes in God."   When I hear God fearing the first thing that comes to mind is a man that is devoted to the Lord, he is not only talking the talk but walking the walk.  I feel as though the term God fearing is miss used as with many other words dealing with religion, I understand that no one is perfect a saying many people use to justify their mistakes but one that is also true but the word God fearing was created or should I say used to define and separate the differences between a man that follows God's lifestyle and a man that honors him with words.  I often hear different people state that they want a God fearing man/woman and others state they just want a man/woman that believes in God, that statement alone shows that a difference does exist and that those who are stating it knows the difference. I also payed attention to the type of people that made the two different statements, those who want a God fearing man/woman were those who are living a lifestyle according to God while the one's who stated they just want  a man/woman who believes in God are living a lifestyle of this world, has no relationship with God but believes in him. All in all there's a difference between a God fearing man and a man that believes in God.
B blesssed and stay positive...Muah

Friday, November 13, 2009

Can you be in love with two people at once? If so can it really be identified as GINUINE love?


Honestly I don't believe it's possible to be in love with two people at once. Everyone has their own definition and perspective of love but their is only one true definition hence the quote "there is but one love but a thousand imitations". I feel that if you really and truly love someone you only have eyes for them and you want to be with them exclusively, having this feeling for more than one person can just be defined as wanting to have your cake and eat it too. The problem with most people is that they think any alien feeling they have can be defined as love while overlooking lust and infatuation or they are in love with the idea of being in love. If some would just sit and re-evaluate the true meaning of love then we probably wouldn't have situations like these. It's more to it than what's on the surface but people don't take the time to delve underneath and really understand what it truly means to love and be in love.


In my opinion a person can not be in love with two people at the same time. One comes in the form of love, which is always mistaken for love and later identified as lust. A person can be in love with the qualities that a person posses but that doesn't mean your in love with that person.
If you have two people your in love with and you pick one over the other that shows you were never really in love with that person. People need to look at the true meaning of love, and not just base it off of emotions. All in all I feel like one person your in love with and the other you lust. Now all you have to do is found out which one is the lust.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Guys Kill Me How They Want to Vow to Mistreat Women Over One Heartbreak


I was having a conversation with three male friends of mine. I grew quiet and began to really listen to each guy talk about how they vowed to mistreat women. Hearing them talk I became annoyed and interrupted the conversation deciding to educate them.

Guys kill me how they want to vow to miss treat women over one heartbreak. If I ask the question, How long ago were you in love? 9x out of 10 the guy would answer when I was 16, in high school or that freshmen year in college. From that one little puppy love they want to punish every woman.

If i ask a female the same question 9x out of ten she would answer 2 or more.

Ask a man how many times has their girlfriend hurt them 9x out of ten they wouldn't be able to recall but if you ask a woman their answer would be several. It's a part of life and yes it hurts but get over it, you learn from it and move on.


Its pretty much unfair to the women that come after that relationship because she had nothing to do with it yet she's still dealing with the baggage and aftermath of something in the past. It is impossible for people to move on if their present is still wrapped up in the past. Also, you should never let a person or incident change who you are.

:::The past: Our cradle, not our prison; There is danger as well as appeal in it's glamour. The past is for inspiration, not imitation, for continuation, not repition:::

Shai and Irra

Please share your thoughts and opinions?